
JP Morgan Chase
Last activity: 30 Oct 2015 10:16 EDT
Application testing in browser in iPad testing for 7.1.8 (vertically and horizontally)
We have been upgrading the Application from Pega 6.2 SP2 to Pega 7.1.8.We have made the screen mostly with the dynamic layout to make it mobile compliant with Pega 7.1.8 .
We have been testing the application in iPad and iPhone in browser in Good Mobile Browser App.
Most of the time it works fine in vertical manner but when we make it horizontal view in iPad , it breaks the code and shows the source code.
Given a very short period of time to fix any such issue, we would like to freeze the view to vertical only Or can that be fixed in Pega end? OR Can that be done at setting in Good Mobile App(NOT the iPad setting to make to freeze it to vertical only which make it applicable to all Apps)