
Last activity: 14 Dec 2015 15:06 EST
How does PickBalancedOperator function randomly picks the Operator
We have an application in which we are assigning work to operators based on skills.
Ideally operators should be assigned with work based on skills, workload, availability and also time duration of operator availability.
But the operator is getting picked up randomly and not based on time duration of operator availability.
Operator A logs in at 9:00AM and makes himself available
Operator B Logs in at 9:30AM and makes himself available
Operator C logs in at 10:00AM and makes himself available.
after 10:00AM when all the 3 operators are available, if an assignments comes in, it gets assigned randomly to any one of them. But Ideally it should be assigned to Operator A as he as was available for a longer time.