Keep seeing deadlock on Log-RuleUsage-Details - why and what is the impact
Hi there,
In production logs, I keep seeing the error with the updating rules usage.... Can we do anything about this? e.g. Index needed? and what is the impact for the client?
Hi there,
In production logs, I keep seeing the error with the updating rules usage.... Can we do anything about this? e.g. Index needed? and what is the impact for the client?
2016-04-20 15:00:28,744 [ PegaRULES-Batch-3] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ PegaRULES:07.10] ( internal.access.DatabaseImpl) ERROR - Encountered problem when performing a Commit Database-General Problem saving instance of class Log-RuleUsage-Details 1205 40001 Transaction (Process ID 95) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. From: (BD9BB6F9DA5D71D538416E9F46A42EA18) SQL: MERGE INTO dbo.pr4_log_rule_usage_details t USING (VALUES (? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?)) AS inputs ("pzInsKey" , "pxAssemblyCacheKey" , "pxClassName" , "pxCreateDateTime" , "pxDetailIndex" , "pxInsName" , "pxObjClass" , "pxParentRuleUsageKey" , "pxSystemNode" , "pxUpdateDateTime" , "pxUseCount" , "pyLabel") ON (t.pzInsKey = inputs."pzInsKey") WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET pxAssemblyCacheKey = inputs."pxAssemblyCacheKey" , pxClassName = inputs."pxClassName" , pxCreateDateTime = inputs."pxCreateDateTime" , pxDetailIndex = inputs."pxDetailIndex" , pxInsName = inputs."pxInsName" , pxObjClass = inputs."pxObjClass" , pxParentRuleUsageKey = inputs."pxParentRuleUsageKey" , pxSystemNode = inputs."pxSystemNode" , pxUpdateDateTime = inputs."pxUpdateDateTime" , pxUseCount = inputs."pxUseCount" , pyLabel = inputs."pyLabel" , pxCommitDateTime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (pzInsKey , pxCommitDateTime , pxAssemblyCacheKey , pxClassName , pxCreateDateTime , pxDetailIndex , pxInsName , pxObjClass , pxParentRuleUsageKey , pxSystemNode , pxUpdateDateTime , pxUseCount , pyLabel) VALUES (inputs."pzInsKey" , CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , inputs."pxAssemblyCacheKey" , inputs."pxClassName" , inputs."pxCreateDateTime" , inputs."pxDetailIndex" , inputs."pxInsName" , inputs."pxObjClass" , inputs."pxParentRuleUsageKey" , inputs."pxSystemNode" , inputs."pxUpdateDateTime" , inputs."pxUseCount" , inputs."pyLabel"); SQL Inserts: Caused by SQL Problems. Problem #1, SQLState 40001, Error code 1205: Transaction (Process ID 95) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. at at at at
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