
Record count using report definition to run in an activity
I have an assignment, which needs to capture the records count using by calling the report definition in an activity.
1.I have defined the report definition using the pxCallRetrieveReportData
2.I have defined the fields in the parameters tab,say for example count1,count2 so on
3.I have defined in property set stating the parameter variable
ex:param.count1 to property value from clipboard
When im trying to capture the record count using the log message,
ex:"***Rec count: " + param.count1
im getting an empty value.
How to achieve this. Please someone help me on this.
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If you are executing the report definition, please use pxRetrieveReportData and not pxCallRetrieveReportData. pxCallRetrieveReportData activity is internally used by Data pages which use report definition as a source.
The record count for a report definition should be available in pxResultCount property in the output page of the report definition. I am not sure I understand why you are setting the parameters here.

Thank you for the reply.I am mentioning the step by step process in the activity.Please let me know if a change is required
1.Log-Message--> to track the messages in PEGA log
2.Call Rule-Obj-Report-Definition.pxRetrieveReportData
pyReportName - RD name
pyReportClass - Applies to class of RD
pyPageName - Page name
3.loop----->pagename.pxResultsCount set--->Param.count1=.pySummaryCount(1)
count 1 defined in the parameters tab
5.Log message---->"***Result 1: " + Param.count1
I ran the activity and could see no values in the log
But when i run the report definition separately i can see clear classification of the count of records

There is no need for the loop in Step 3 actually. After step 2, you will get the value for pxResultCount

I have made the following changes and facing this error.Could you please help on this
.Log-Message--> to track the messages in PEGA log
2.Call Rule-Obj-Report-Definition.pxRetrieveReportData
pyReportName - RD name
pyReportClass - Applies to class of RD
pyPageName - Page name
I ran the activity and could see this error
List of Pages and Classes that are used in this activity:Invalid expression or reference:pagename.pxResultCount is defined as a non-page property and cannot be overriden in Pages & Classes
But i have mapped pagename.pxResultCount with the class where the activity resides.

Hi Gayathri,
Just Pagename.pxResultCOunt in Step 3 will give you the number of records of the Report Defination,No Need of Loop on the results.

I have made the following changes and facing this error.Could you please helpo on this
.Log-Message--> to track the messages in PEGA log
2.Call Rule-Obj-Report-Definition.pxRetrieveReportData
pyReportName - RD name
pyReportClass - Applies to class of RD
pyPageName - Page name
I ran the activity and could see this error
List of Pages and Classes that are used in this activity:Invalid expression or reference:pagename.pxResultCount is defined as a non-page property and cannot be overriden in Pages & Classes
But i have mapped pagename.pxResultCount with the class where the activity resides.

The pagename should be of class "Code-Pega-List"

So looks like you running a summary report (which is doing COUNT on multiple properties). Are you trying to get that count for each group into the parameters?

I have made the following changes and facing this error.Could you please help on this
.Log-Message--> to track the messages in PEGA log
2.Call Rule-Obj-Report-Definition.pxRetrieveReportData
pyReportName - RD name
pyReportClass - Applies to class of RD
pyPageName - Page name
I ran the activity and could see this error