Last activity: 16 May 2016 1:15 EDT
V7.1.9 upgrade - Delete RSV's from old V6.x
Dear experts,
We are in process of upgrading our V6.x app with CPMHC to V7.1.9 and in that process we would like to know whether we can keep V6.x specific RSV's after skimming (major version) or not. If we don't delete old RSV's, what will be the impact after upgrade? If we want to delete, we have many locked old RSV's with unknown pwd and what is the approach to delete them using delete RS wizard or any straight DB scripts to delete? By the way, we have > 30000 old rules in the system and we may consider the DB space to keep in V7.1.9 too.
Can someone help me from the best practices stand point?
Ravi Kumar Pisupati.