SAE-HRServices-Data-HRPlan Connection Issue
I'm taking the System Architect Essentials II (7.1) course using the online exercise system and am currently stuck doing the exercise in the "Managing Data for Selectable List Controls" section. From the steps below,
Create a Report Definition to List Dental Plans
Practice filtering data by creating a report that will show only Dental plans.
1. Create a report definition in the data class used for the healthcare plans.
a. From the App Explorer, SAE-HRServices-Data class, right-click HRPlan and select
+Create Reports Report Definition.
b. Enter SAE Dental Plans in the Label field, ensure SAE-HRServices-Data-HRPlan is
selected in the record context Apply to field and then create the new report
2. The report definition should retrieve all columns (id, name, type, description and employee
cost) that are in the HR Plan data table.
The report definition is not returning any of the columns from the HR Plan data table. Testing the connection to the database for SAE-HRServices-Data-HRPlan returns,
Test Connection
Results for SAE-HRServices-Data-HRPlan
Class SAE-HRServices-Data-HRPlan is mapped to table prpcuser.sae2_hr_plan in database PegaDATA.
This is an Obj-external class. You may access the class with Obj- activity methods.
External data table prpcuser.sae2_hr_plan in database PegaDATA has more than one concrete class mapped to it; these classes include SAE-HRServices-Data-HRPlan and MTMaint-Data-sae2_hr_plan
Looking at the history for MTMaint-Data-sae2_hr_plan I see which is about the time I noticed the issue,
History Details for MTMaint-Data-sae2_hr_plan
Operator ID Operator Name Date System ID
Add Abhay Thomas Jan 22, 2015 5:18:02 PM pega
Update Abhay Thomas Jan 22, 2015 5:18:07 PM pega
Move Administrator Jun 25, 2015 10:20:53 AM
Is it possible to have the MTMaint-Data-sae2_hr_plan removed so I can continue with the course?