Last activity: 21 Apr 2015 17:53 EDT
Authentication Error - Displaying Custom Stream
We are using PRPC v5.5. For Authentication we use container managed authentication.
I have requirement to display Custom authenticatione error message screen when LogIn user Id dont match with Application User table, in this case i need to show Authentication error stream.
From help documents i see, in EstablishOperator activity when particular condition is met you have do following steps to show custom stream
Step1> Property set Param.pyChallenge = @java ("PRAuthentication.GENERATED_CHALLENGE_STREAM")
Step2> Show-Stream --> Custom HTML stream written in @baseclass
Step3> Activity-End
When authentication happens, i am getting following exception...
InvalidParameter cannot be null. page: OrgDivision aSource com.pega.pegarules.engine.clipboard.ClipboardPageImpl.replace(ClipboardPage)
After this i updated activity to set Error message to the primary page of EstablishOperator activity, now Pega displaying Default stream with the error message but not showing customer stream.
Any help to resolve this please ?