Hierarchy rule tree grid Questions
I am new to Pega and working in Pega 7.1.7
I was wondering if you could give me a basic Approach on how to hand the following:
If I have the following Relationships.
Our System has multiple Clients (PageList) that has Multiple Plans (Embedded PageList) that has Multiple Rates (Embedded PageList).
I thought a good way to display the information is in a hierarchical Tree Grid.
Client 1 Details
Client 2 Details
Client3 Details
- Plan 1 Details
- Plan 2 Details
- Rate 1 Details
- Rate 2 Details
Client 4 Details
Question: Is this possible?
(All the examples have the tree grid being Employee that are related to other employees , or tasks that is a list of other tasks… Do Tree grids need to be recursive onto its own data class?)
My Approach:
In the Data Class Create the Data Model - Rate
In the Data Class Create the Data Model - Plan which has a Pagelist of Rates
In the Data Class Create the Data Model - Client which has a Pagelist of Plans
In the Work Class for the Case – a Property for Client as a Pagelist
The Data Source for the Tree Grid is either the Property or Report Definition
- If I select Property and Applies to .Client (pagelist from Work Class) Don’t see how to define the next level in the hierarchical structure (my case list of plans)
- If I select Property and Applies to .Client (pagelist from Work Class) - All data in the grid is empty.
- If I select Report Definition , and the select the D_ClientList, But how do your configure if click on the row display the List of Plans for that Client.
- If I select Report Definition , It seems that section is now being populated by the D_Page which is Read only.
- I forget the approach we would have to take to get this to work.
Also is that how we should setup the Data Structure? If I wanted to Access the 2015 rates for Plan ABC for Client 123, how would you do that?
Assuming Drop Down menu for Client ( source D_ClientList)
Assuming Drop Down menu for Plan ( source ? D_ClientPlanList with Param.ClientId)
Assuming Drop Down menu for Rates ( source ? D_ClientPlanRateList with Param.ClientId and PlanId)
Include the RateDetail Section for the Data Class Rates with Source ? .client(ClientId).Plan(PlanId).Rate(2015)
What I am failing to understand
- Should I copy the Data for the D_Page to the Work Case? Or can we edit the Data Page directly.
- When creating Embedded DataLists should I include the parents Id as a property in the Childs Data Model? If not how does one access the embedded data?
- Should I continue with the Tree Grid approach? Is so how do you define the child in the tree grid?