"Document now" button doesn't work
Please help,
Nothing happens after using "Document now" button for creating Aplication Profile document.
Many thanks in advance.
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Please help,
Nothing happens after using "Document now" button for creating Aplication Profile document.
Many thanks in advance.
Do you have MS Silverlight installed on your local machine? Also, confirm the instructions on page 11 of the exercise guide.
Finally, the sytem requirments for Silverlight seem to be all over the map:
click the System Requirements tab.
Oddly enough, Chrome for Windows seems to provide the best experience.
Yes, I have installed MS Silverlight and prerequisites on my machine.
Exercies not says, that "Internet Explorer is currently required to access the Word Template rule form to customize
the Application Profile document template.", but Silverlight System Requirements say, that the programm is compatiable only with EI 64 bit mode, while my Win is 32 bit, and PRPC requires 32 bit Win....
So what can I do?
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