What is the relationship between X-Y-Data class and X-Y-SR class?
1. In the exercise, in the 'Approach' section (1st paragraph), it says to open the Next Best Label strategy from the DMOrg-DMSample-Data-Customer class, whereas in the setup data it is in the DMOrg-DMSampleDSE-Data class. I'm sure you will want to correct one or the other...
Which brings me on to my real questions:
2. In the Decision Strategy Essentials course it recommends putting decision strategies into the customer data class (i.e. X-Y-Data-Customer) but you didn't do this in this exercise.
What is the best practice for the class of a decision stategy?
3. In this exercise the properties we use (i.e. Cost, Average, Margin, etc) are defined in the DMOrg-DMSampleDSE-SR class, but this class is not a parent of DMOrg-DMSampleDSE-Data.
Sorry for being a bit thick but how can these properties be available to a strategy if they are not on the inheritance path of the strategy's class?
What exactly is the relationship between the X-Y-Data class and the corresponding X-Y-SR class?