
Posted: Aug 25, 2021
Last activity: Aug 25, 2021
Last activity: 25 Aug 2021 14:10 EDT
Send Email With Attachments From Process Flow
- Create a Process Flow for a Case. Add a Utility shape as below:
- Double click on the Utility shape and add an appropriate Label. Select Activity from the type of Rule.
- Create a name for the activity and open the activity. In the Parameters tab, copy the parameters from OOTB Activity SendEmailNotification.
- Add the following steps to the activity. First step will make sure the attachment is saved to the clipboard.
- Save and Check in the activity.
- Now back to the utility shape, fill in the parameters with the email details. Message could be added with quotations, or it could be a Correspondence template converted to property.
- Add the password the email inbox and provide the smtpHost for email server.
- Next, add the PZInskey for the attachment category if there is one and also the attachment name.
- This Email activity has the option to add BCC, add CC and BCC if required. Save the Utility shape and Save the flow.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags; added Developer Knowledge Share tag****
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