
Habber Tec
Last activity: 6 May 2016 14:49 EDT
Section field doesn't appear on screen
I'm new with Pega and I'm doing System Architect Essentials I and II courses.
I'm trying to do a extreme simple case with one stage, one step. Here are the steps that I followed.
1) Create a new application (Implementation Only)
2) Create new data object type called "Person" with name, document, phone properties inside RMO-RanieriT-Data class
3) Create a new section to "Person" data object type called "Create Person" inside RMO-RanieriT-Data-Person class
4) Create a new flow action to "Create Person" section called "Create Person" inside RMO-RanieriT-Data-Person class
5) Create new case type called "Register Person" with one stage and one step
6) Configured flow action of the first step as CreatePerson and tried to run the case.
When running it, it shows that fisrt step doesn't have a form and ask if I want to create a new one.
What more do I have to do to make this simple example work and show the section I've created in the first step?