Rule not found at run-time
During development the flow rule RULE-OBJ-FLOW RBG-FW-FINSVCFW-WORK-SVC-BANKGUARANTEEREQUEST RETRIEVECUSTOMERDATA could not be selected for changing thus making it impossible to make changes to it. The error message during development indicated that a checked-out version of the rule existed but it was impossible to select this version.
In an attempt to resolve this matter I removed all rules from the branched rule set and deleted it. I created a new rule set (not a branched one) and applied the changes to the new rule set. I locked the new rule set and started testing the change. This gave the following error message:
2016-05-06 15:28:41,726 [ WebContainer : 4] [$STANDARD/] [nkGuarantee:01.01.01] ( internal.mgmt.Executable) ERROR <<Host-name>>|<<Host-IP>>| Martens Emiel.Ooms - FirstUseAssemblerException Unable to open definition for candidate: RULE-OBJ-FLOW RBG-FW-FINSVCFW-WORK-SVC-BANKGUARANTEEREQUEST RETRIEVECUSTOMERDATA #20160429T141156.522 GMT Emiel.Ooms@:01-01-01 <no Circumstance> <no Circumstance Date> <no date range> available=Yes baserule=false 387205059 null Action:com.pegarules.generated.EMPTY_IMPL_NAME
From: (unknown)
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.vtable.asm.VirtualTableAssemblyHandler.assembleForAspect(
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.vtable.asm.VirtualTableAssemblyHandler.lookupForAspect(
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.vtable.containers.AspectOnlyRuleContainer.upgrade(
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.vtable.ruleres.VirtualTableCandidate.upgradeContainerFor(
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.vtable.ruleres.VirtualTableCandidate.getExecutableContainerFor(
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.vtable.ruleres.VirtualTableResolver.resolveToContainer(
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.vtable.ruleres.VirtualTableResolver.resolveRule(
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.vtable.VirtualTableImpl.resolveRule(
at com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.PRGenProviderImpl.get(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.mgmt.Executable.doActivity(
The run-time error suggests that at run-time an attempt is made to find the check-out version of the rule which failed.
In the development environment I looked at the instances of the flow rule but I cannot find the checked-out version.
Who knows how I can get ride of the checked-out version of the rule?
Regards, Emiel