Infosys Technologies Limited
Last activity: 16 Jun 2015 11:58 EDT
Require DBVisualiser, WinSCP and Putty configuration settings and credentials for Pega 7 virtual image
It wil be great if someone from Pega Team can share the DBVisualiser, WinSCP and Putty Configuration settings and credentials for Pega 7 virtual image.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Are you referring to the VM provided by Pega Academy for self study?
Infosys Technologies Limited
Yes edde, the VM provided by Pega Academy for Self Study.
Kindly help in getting the configuration settings for DBvisualiser and credentials for WinSCP and Putty.
Pegasystems Inc.
The hostname is the IP address of your vm.
The credentials for WinSCP and Putty would be the same as the PVS login.
user name = architect (use root if you want to login as the super user)
password = password
The credentials for the database are:
username = prpc
password = password
Infosys Technologies Limited
Hi eddie,
I am not able to connect to database using below connection settings... Can you please correct me if i am wrong?
Pegasystems Inc.
what course VM are you trying to connect to?
I ask because the only courses using DB2 are the Pega Marketing courses, and the db credentials for the marketing courses are different.
Pegasystems Inc.
sorry, I meant to add:
for Pega Marketing courses, the DB2 credentials are:
user: db2inst1
password: password
Infosys Technologies Limited
Hi Eddie,
I am just using the VM image available from Pega Academy (v7.1) for normal Pega 7 CSA /CSSA /CLSA courses. Kindly suggest if i need to do any change in connection settings in DBvisualiser as shown above.
Infosys Technologies Limited
I just wish to connect to database via DB tool to look at underlying tables and perform some DML operations. This is on PRPC v7.1 VM downloaded from Pega Academy (PRPC Fundamentals).
When I try and "ping server" I get a message that it "Cannot connect to prpc on port 50000". Credentials I am using are as below:
Should i have to use another tool to connect to database? If yes, please confirm the configuration setting for same. If not, kindly advise the changes i have to do in below settings.
Pegasystems Inc.
Most of the PVS from Pega Academy are built using PostgreSQL, not DB2. So it may be better off for you to use pgAdmin to connect to the database instead.
Pegasystems Inc.
Please go through this thread for useful information on how to setup pgAdmin to access the PostgreSQL DB in the PVS: https://pdn.pega.com/forums/pega-academy/prpc-system-architect-essentials-i/how-to-set-up-pgadmin-iii-or-db-visualizer-for-db-access
Pegasystems Inc.
I don't know DBVis but, from what I am just now reading, it seems trying to connect to a PostgreSQL db with DBVisualizer is much more effort than it needs.
I have no idea if the DB2 JDBC driver you have specififed is workable or not. You will need to confirm you have the appropriate JDBC driver for PostgreSQL installed and configured.
Also, it seems to me that the connection settings you have specified are not right. From what I am reading, it seems the Database Server is supposed to be the IP address of the host where the db is installed. dbvis.com has articles on their website that show you how to set up and configure the connection.
The credentials you need are:
db to connect to is: postgres
the credentials are as originally noted
I don't know DBVis but, from what I am just now reading, it seems trying to connect to a PostgreSQL db with DBVisualizer is much more effort than it needs.
I have no idea if the DB2 JDBC driver you have specififed is workable or not. You will need to confirm you have the appropriate JDBC driver for PostgreSQL installed and configured.
Also, it seems to me that the connection settings you have specified are not right. From what I am reading, it seems the Database Server is supposed to be the IP address of the host where the db is installed. dbvis.com has articles on their website that show you how to set up and configure the connection.
The credentials you need are:
db to connect to is: postgres
the credentials are as originally noted
Make sure PostgreSQL will accept the connection. Login into to the vm as root/password and check the following PostgreSQL config files:
/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf - add listen_addresses = '*'
/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf - add host all all 0.0.0/0 trust
fwiw, why don't you use pgAdmin instead? It is built for PostgreSQL and requires no configuration.
Pegasystems Inc.
give up on DBVisualizer and install pgAdmin. It is open source and built specifically for PostgreSQL.
The even better news is that it is the app we all use, so most of us are very familiar with it and will be able to help you.
Infosys Technologies Limited
Thanks, Eddie and Chuat.
It's resolved now.
Pegasystems Inc.
that is good news.