Remove Duplicate values in Pagelist using same pagelist
I am fetching the values from internal data table.
I have a page list A.pxResults(100) which contains 100 embedded pages, in each embedded page has 10 properties with values
Now I need to remove duplicates by comparing with all the 10 properties (AND condition applies for all these 10 properties) and these 10 property values are from the page list only...
Like first take A.pxResults(1) page and check in the complete page list of A... there after A.pxResults(2) and check inthe complete page list of A and if found any duplicate then delete it.
I gues I cannot use the functions IsInPagelist or RemoveDuplicatesFromList as i need to compare all the values of page list with the same pagelist and all the property values in the page should be same when compared before deleting.
Please let me know the best apporach.