
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 11 Apr 2016 17:09 EDT
Position Applied For drop-down box not populating from data table
I am having trouble in the first exercise in Accessing Data in the User Interface. The drop-down box will not populate with the positions from data table SAE-HRServices-Data-Position. The box appears empty and since it is currently marked as a Required field, I can't continue with the exercises.
I've tried on Firefox, IE, and Chrome with the same result. Please let me know if this is a problem I can fix and how to fix it. I've seen other people have this problem in the forums and able to fix it, but after deleting cookies and cache, still nothing.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Dear Max,
I have ghosted into your account and found that the problem might just be an issue with certain backend configuration that is beyond your control. This causes the report definition to be unable to retrieve any unexposed columns in the Data Table.
I have escalated this to be looked at, so you can choose to wait for it to be fixed, or you can workaround the issue by exposing all the properties in the Position class by using the "Optimise for Reporting" option.
Teng Hao Chua
Pega Academy Support Team


Tata Consultancy Services
Thanks! I don't believe the exposing worked, so I will wait until it is looked at, which I hope is soon. I need to keep moving through the course.

Pegasystems Inc.
When u expose the properties, u need to do so from the Candidate class, I.e. Expose all the .Position page property's single-value properties. Exposing from SAE-HRServices-Data-Position will not work.

Tata Consultancy Services
Thanks for that. I got the dropdown list to populate (only on IE), but when choosing a selection, the Requirement validation is still not fulfilled and value still returns null.
Also, the ReqID values no longer appear in the data table.
But it appears on this screen. May it have something to do with the typo on the .ReqID column name (RequirementI ID)? I can't seem to get rid of that typo.
I really appreciate the help. Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Dear Max,
I ghosted into your account and saw the problem. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any easy fix. The Report Definition is unable to pull the key (i.e. ReqId) from the table, so even though the pyLabel is retrieved and displayed for the .PositionAppliedFor dropdown, the .ReqId value is empty. And because it is empty, the value cannot be used by the Data Page to perform a Lookup.
Can you try to create a new data class, e.g. Position2, and then switch your sections to utilise the Data Pages and properties from this new class? At least you won't get stuck at this point.
Teng Hao Chua
Pega Academy Support Team

Pegasystems Inc.
Btw, I fixed the typo for you. The label comes from the "EditList" rule in the "Technical" rule category. Very convoluted way of allowing you to edit the Data Table. But that's the way it was possible in the days before HTML5 etc. So, going forward from Pega 7.1.7 onwards, we are doing away with Data Table wizard and all these legacy way of allow you to maintain a data table in Pega.

Tata Consultancy Services
I see and I agree, that fix does not seem easy. Thank you for helping me with this.
Is there a way for me to reset my exercise system if feel the need to start back again from the first lesson?

Pegasystems Inc.
Sure, just write into [email protected] with a request to reset your exercise environment. Make sure you use your PDN email or indicate your PDN account so we can identify the right system to reset.

Tata Consultancy Services
Perfect. Again, thanks for your help and time.

I am having trouble in the first exercise in Accessing Data in the User Interface. The drop-down box will not populate with the positions from data table SAE-HRServices-Data-Position.
I've tried on Firefox, IE, and Chrome with the same result. Please let me know if this is a problem I can fix and how to fix it.
Same problem as above.
Please Help.

Pegasystems Inc.
Check to make sure that all your references are correct.