Pega 8.8.3 - Accessibility Release Notes
All incidents addressed will be implemented within in the Pega platform from 8.7.5 up to 8.8.3, and will also be in subsequent releases (including infinity 23 and beyond). All Pega customers and applications on the platform will immediately receive these enhancements upon upgrade. Where configuration is required to adopt the fix, this will be indicated within the specific incident below. See attached document to download list.
Multi-select does not add item on press of TabRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 Tabbing out of a multi-select control correctly shifts focus and closes the listbox if it is expanded. Previously, pressing tab with the list of options opened would not only move focus but also unexpectedly add the list item that had keyboard focus. |
Reports browser in List mode consistently behaves as optimized tableRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 When accessing the report browser in list mode, the accessible navigation was not always applied to the grid, resulting in inconsistent keyboard navigation which required a browser refresh. This has been resolved and users will be able to consistently navigate with the optimized table pattern. |
Expand/Collapse button on optimized table with grouping is accessible with keyboardRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 When an optimized table has one or more fields grouped, the row containing column headers will have a new first cell containing an expand/collapse icon that will expand/collapse group rows in the table. This first cell in the table will receive focus initially when moving into the table and can be navigated to/from with arrow keys. Its state and instructions will announce correctly by screen readers. |
Case details panel content not grouped in blocksRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 When opening the case preview panel and navigating Details with JAWS, some of the information was presented audibly in blocks of data and not as the equivalent of the visual presentation. This was traced to multiple text inputs being grouped together into one focus when tabbing into the case preview, and has been corrected by adding the necessary label descriptors. |
Screen reader announces change in state of expand/collapse on dynamic layout headersRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 Dynamic layouts configured as an expandable/collapsible header now have their state announced correctly by screen readers |
In-line errors on multiselect control is now announced by screen readersRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 When client-side validation is triggered on a multi-select control, screen readers will now announce the error message when it appears. |
No screen reader verbosity when launching a modal dialog from a menu within a table
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 Use case includes a column in a table that contains a menu button with one option launching a modal dialog. Previously, when opening this modal with screen reader enabled, JAWS would announce full page context from the top of the page all the way until the focused element in the dialog. To resolve the verbosity, an update has been made such that if the menu item target parent is from template grid and if its opening a modal, don't focus on the showMenuTarget. |
Screen reader will announce client-side validation messages for radio buttons
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 When client-side validation is triggered on radio buttons, and JAWS will now announce the error message when it appears and when the user brings focus back to the control. |
Autocomplete control in modal dialog announces correctly when focused with screen reader
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 JAWS will no longer announce all the content of the modal dialog when focusing an autocomplete control. The label, role, and instructions for the autocomplete are announced as expected. |
All Reports form fields are no longer announced as tabs by screen reader
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 In the All Reports section of Reports navigation, screen readers announced the incorrect role “tab” when navigating to the “search by..” text box and “Category” combo box. This was caused by the role application being added to the body during multiselect focus, and has been resolved by removing the setting of the role application for the body in the multiselect updateMSLiveRegion API. |
Disabled date picker control no longer focusable via keyboard
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 When a date picker control was disabled, the calendar icon had tabindex as 0 and would remain focusable via keyboard. This has been resolved with an update which will avoid focusing on the calendar icon when the date field is disabled. |
Focus no longer lost when returning from sub-panel in left navigation
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 Keboard focus will be placed on Notifications, Recents, or My applications when selecting the respective sub-panel's back button in Theme Cosmos |
Focus lands on sub-panel’s back button when selecting from left panel
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 When selecting Notifications, Recents or My applications from the left navigation panel in Theme Cosmos, focus will be set to the respective sub-panels back button when it opens. |
Keyboard focus remains in table when hiding a table column
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 Selecting "Hide field" from the ‘Open Menu’ for any column of an optimized table in a section in a work object no longer resets focus to the top of the page but maintains focus within the table. |
UIKit: Compliant color contrast on hover of links
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 Several links in UIKit applications, such as “Clear filter” in table filters and assignments in a table, have had their color updated to meet contrast requirements |
In-line error messages can be configured to be preceded by “Error: “
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 Client-side validation error messages for required field will now appear as “Error : [field name] value cannot be blank” to clearly denote the invalid entry. Requires DSS displayFieldNameInValidationMsg to be set to “true”. (Note: This setting also adds the field name into the error message) |
Case preview button is now associated with work object link
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.3 When focusing the Preview button for a given work object/case link, screen readers will announce the associated work object ID along with the Preview button. |
Radio buttons work appropriately with Dragon naturally speaking
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.2 Support has been added for using Nuance Dragon to activate radio buttons by adding the necessary CSS styles to the radio button inputs.
View Complete profile page of Team member is accessible
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.2 Ensure profile for team members is keyboard accessible.
Tooltip now read on image by JAWS2022
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.2 Tooltips were read by JAWS when the helper text was configured on an input but not when the text was configured on an image. This has been resolved with an update which will announce the helper text value when focus is brought to an icon in browse mode.
Label for grid/list toggle on the Cosmos reports browser added
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.2, 8.7.5 While switching from the Tile view to Grid view, the label is missing and also we are making visible both the option out of which one will not have any focus or accessibility and it is making users to get confused. In order to fix, changes have been made to make only one option visible and also to provide the label in pySortandToggle. We also added an announcement when new selected page was loaded.
Label and state added for Table filter checkboxesRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.2, 8.7.5 Table filter checkboxes did not have the correct label and state for an accessibility reader to read-out, causing the state of the checkbox and the context of the checkbox to not be announced. This has been resolved by changing the checkbox repeating dynamic layout navigation mode to "Use form navigation (by tab)" by default |
pyReportBrowserItems inaccessible by keyboard and SRRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 The image control of the Gear icon was updated to Button. This allowed a keyboard or Dragon user to open the report using the report tile. The RDL navigation was also changed to ‘navigation by tab’. Last the load behavior changed to be "On first use", on the menu action of the Gear icon, with JAWS on. |
Focus moves to panel opened for My Applications, Recents and NotificationsRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 Selection of notifications, recents and my applications will appropriately set focus to the new panel opened. |
My applications panel title will announce to screen reader along with navigation instructionsRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 The user is provided context when they click on the Applications link and they are brought to the new left hand panel with the application links. The page/panel title is announced. Appropriate navigation instructions are announced. |
pyWorkBasketsWidget links are now accessible by keyboardRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 Clicking on an element in the list (any work queue in the list) has the effect of updating other widgets in the dashboard, such as the worklist widget, to reflect the data of the work queue that was selected. This function was previously only accessible through mouse click. The role button was added to the layout pyWorkBasketDetail and added Enter key event to action set so that a keyboard-only user can access.
Multi select dropdown options read by JAWS2022RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 JAWS2022 was not reading out the available options when focus was set on a multi-select dropdown. Investigation showed that in Theme Cosmos pega.ctx.dom.getElementById was not able to find the element which contains the "multiSelectLiveRegion" ID because this element was present outside the harness. This has been resolved by using document.getElementById to get the correct element |
Autocomplete control now has role=combobox
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 The additional attribute aria-expanded='false' on collapsed and aria-expanded="true" when expanded has been added to the Autocomplete control role='combobox'
Table column heading actions should be visible
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 When present, table column headings with action menus should always be visible. Prior they were only visible after a user took an action with hover, click or Enter.
Table is keyboard accessible after hiding a column
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 After hiding a column in a grid it was not possible to navigate to the column beside the hidden column. This has been resolved by implementing the arrow key accessibility for an optimized/template grid.
Manage Tags modal field includes visible label
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 In the Cosmos User portal, users can manage the tags of a work object in the "Manage Tags" modal. The autocomplete control used to either create or select a tag will now have a visible label associated with it so that all users can understand the purpose of the field.
Access table rows in grid after applying pagination/filter
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 Whenever a filter is applied or when going to the second page of a pagination result for an optimized/template grid, it was not possible to access the data present in the rows by using the arrow keys. This has been corrected.
Entering grid cell works as expected when table cell includes context menu configuration
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 Navigating by keyboard to a cell in which there is a context menu configured, by on clicking enter on that cell, the enter event is getting propagated to the grid row as well. This ensures that the event is not propagated to the parent level. |
BusyIndicator description is announced by JAWS
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.1 When the busy/loading indicator displayed onscreen, the status was not announced to screen reader users. This has been corrected. |
A11y: Date picker enhancements introduced
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Form fields now have a programmatically associated labels that describes the purpose of each field. For example, selection spinners announce as previous month/next month, previous year/next year. Also, the "Month" and "Year" for the Calendar control are read upon focus and as you scroll through options. The current date selected is announced to screen reader. Upon close of the calendar, focus should return back to the button that opened the dialog.
Insure visible focus on case viewRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Visible focus has been added to case view elements within the utilities management groiup/section.
My Applications menu role updated to work with DragonRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8 Navigation menu applications menu updated to use button role to allow for Dragon to recognize and interact with by voice recognition. |
Left Navigation panel navigation improvements
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8 The following improvements were made to the main navigation panel:
Placeholder in Report Search meets contrast guidanceRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8 When focus moves inside the search field in Reports, the placeholder text now meets the required Contrast Ratio of 4.2:1.
Optimized table toolbar gives state information to screen readerRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Grouped by option in table toolbar now indicates when table includes grouped items, along with count of how many are grouped.
Optimize table addition of title and instructionsRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 In order to assist screen reader users on how to engage with actions in table headers, basic instructions have been added. An aria-describedby that states "If a column header or cell supports actions, pressing Enter will allow you to explore them” is read when a user first takes focus to the table. Additionally, when a screen reader user uses the JAWS key + F5, they will now be able to identify the table title.
Application guide for accessibilityRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 An application guide can be used to help introduce standards to follow as product teams are building applications. An accessibility application guide is now available out of the box that provides a checklist of basic WCAG compliance guidance recommendations. This guide can be customized as well.
Ability to select value from Auto complete even when the primary page has errorsRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Unable to select value from Auto complete when their primary page is having errors. Marked as fixed: Skip focus on first input field on modal with existing error table while autocomplete is opened.
Unable to edit/move to When Rule Condition Builder using Tab
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 User should be able to focus on set conditions and can create a new business condition in App Studio |
Toolbar Group by items in a grid no longer has two tab stops
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 There was a double tab stop navigation at the delete action, one is for the delete button and the next tab takes to the delete icon. Both of these, are deleting the row. Resolution was to remove icon from focusable elements inside button/link
Screen reader reads my followed items table appropriately
RESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Screen reader was incorrectly reading the my followed items table coulmns, it was reading as column number starting from 5,6,7 etc. Ideally it should column no from 1,2 etc. Resolution was to update the aria-colindex to rely on column.order instead of style.order The data cells of the grid are also get their aria-colindex from column.order This help keeping the aria-colindex in sync for column header and data cells.
Multi select list e is rendering properly on mobileRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Removed the unused selector to align list view rendering as expected, similar to desktop
Notification badge has appropriate contrastRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Notification badge was not appropriate contrast. This item ensures that span styling for the AppShell list items is not applied to the notification count badge.
Dropdown is accessible with placeholderRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Adding tooltips or placeholders to the dropdown "overwrites" the label of the element and the screenreader was over-riding the label. When a helpertext is configured for autocomplete control, an aria-label={helpertext value} attribute was being added. The helpertext div id is now added in aria-describedby of the autocomplete input.
Character limits in grid text area are reading to JAWSRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 AWS reads characters limits in grid text area A text area in a grid with a character limit was not reading the maximum characters and remaining characters when using JAWS. This has been resolved by adding the necessary aria attributes to the non-template text area control.
Proper label and state defined for delete buttonRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 The disabled icon control in non-template mode used the tempTitle attribute instead of title, interfering with accessibility because no information was available to screen readers. This has been resolved by adding the aria-disabled attribute to the disabled icon control.
Hide column popup in optimized grid uses escape key to exit popupRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 For optimized grid, the show/hide column feature has now enabled the Escape key to exit out of the popup.
Inline error messages issueRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 JAWS reads radio control client-side errors consistently now. Radio controls marked as required were triggering client-side validation messages, but JAWS was not reading these messages consistently. This has been resolved by adding the needed roles alert to read out an error message when focus is changed using the tab key.
Disabled calendar icon on date field taking focusRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Disabled date picker was still allowing focus to the calendar icon. This has been removed.
Tag buttons in User Portal are keyboard accessibleRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 In work object, the Manage Tags modal, and in the Tags page, the buttons which represent tags (span elements) were not activatable via keyboard. Clicking on a tag directs a user to the tags page with the clicked tag as the selected tag. Although keyboard users were able to focus between tag buttons with the arrow keys, there is no equivalent functionality that allows them to activate the focused tag, i.e. by pressing enter. Solution involved moving the logic of actions to dynamic layout and adding Enter action for tags accessibility. |
Sub-lists on notifications no longer triggering errorRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Sub-lists were not semantically correct in error notification popup.
Refresh Action on Fields in Modal no longer causes focus to be lostRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 and 8.7.4 A multi-select control has been configured with a refresh action on change and placed within a modal dialog. When a user selected a value for the control, the section in the modal dialog was refreshed but the keyboard focus is set behind the modal dialog in the main screen. This has been fixed so focus remains within the dialog.
Multi-select control with refresh action no longer loses focusRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 and 8.7.4 When a multi-select control is configured to have a refresh action on change, focus is lost to top of page upon selection of an option. This has been fixed so focus remains on control.
Create modal - focus moves out of modalRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 Within a dialog modal, the Tab order will cycle through modal and then go back to the top. Focus should not leave the modal until user closes modal. A listener was added to focus dialog container.
Application logo now alt attribute valueRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8.0 The Pega logo at the top left of the navigation was missing the necessary alt attribute for the label/alt text and file path, causing JAWS to announce the application name plus "link". This has been corrected.
New Help icon with overlay on focus availableRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.8/8.7.5 A new helper text icon was introduced that is accessible through the keyboard. If icon is selected to include on a form field, it will be in the tab order of the page. This is available for all form fields in the dropdown menu for helper text options. Configuration is required.
Note: The helper text icon that can only be reached on hover is still available for backward compatibility.
All Reports – Form fields role correctedRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.7.5 (and 8.7.4 Hotfix) JAWS announced the incorrect role “tab” when navigating to the “search by..” text box and “Category” combo box. This was caused by the role application being added to the body during multiselect focus, and has been resolved by removing the setting of the role application for the body in the multiselect updateMSLiveRegion API.
Keyboard Focus is lost when completing screenflow assignmentRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.7.5 Moving between screens caused keyboard focus to intermittently be lost and move back to the top of the page, rather than stay on the flow action header due to the loading icon stealing focus. Resolution involves bringing focus to the previous active element after loading. |
Improved checkbox accessibility for repeating dynamic layoutRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.7.5 Table filter checkboxes did not have the correct label and state for an accessibility reader to read-out, causing the state of the checkbox and the context of the checkbox to not be announced. This has been resolved by changing the checkbox repeating dynamic layout navigation mode to "Use form navigation (by tab)" by default.
Screen reader appropriately announces screenflow breadcrumb linksRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.7.5 Users who navigated a form with JAWS were unable to execute or hear non-current breadcrumb links, both on mouse over and on focus. Instead, JAWS was reading out the last stage chevron and 'link' when focused on a non-current breadcrumb. This has been resolved by adding the necessary handling for a visually hidden screenflow.
Mobile view left navigation now responsive in mobile viewRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.7.5 In mobile view with width less than 550px in UI reg portal left navigation menu is appropriately hidden.
Helper text added to button UI controlRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.7.5 In order to improve accessibility for the Pega UI button, the aria-hidden="true" attribute has been added on the icon/image markup inside the button. With this change, the computed Name will be the title (helper text).
Smart tip and field label announce appropriately with screen readerRESOLVED IN PEGA VERSION 8.7.5 When a Smart Tip action has been configured on focus for a field, it will visually appear when keyboard focus has moved onto that field. However, when present, the smart tip was introducing several attributes (namely aria-label) which was overriding the label of that field. Aria-label and Aria-labelledby has been removed from smarttip so field label and tooltip read appropriately.