
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 5 May 2020 16:06 EDT
Pega 8.4.1 - Patch Release Available!
The first Pega 8.4 Platform patch release is now available - Pega 8.4.1!
Pega 8.4.1 is available on the Digital Software Delivery portal and on PegaCloud.
Issues which were resolved in the Pega 8.4.1 Patch Release can be found here.
Please note that patch releases are cumulative. Pega 8.4.1 includes all fixes made in previous Pega Infinity patch releases. Pega 8.4.1 is the highest quality 8.4.x version available!
Back in 2018, with the release of Pega 8.1, we announced our shift from hotfixes to Patch Releases. The patch release program approach allows us to bundle, test, & release bug and security fixes over a given period into a cumulative patch that will be available to all customers. This new process provides value to your business through improved overall quality and better dependency management. Look for a new cumulative patch release to be made available every month.
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Brodie Green Mahesh Kharde Zach Karpinski -
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Allianz Technology
Hi pothb,
Is there any way to subscribe to patch release notifications? It would be great to get some email when the new version arrives.

Pegasystems Inc.
You absolutely can subscribe! Here are the steps:
Click on where it says "Hello Oleg" up in the top right
Choose My Preferences
Next you are taken to My Pega
In My Pega you will see 2 tabs: My Pega and Collaboration Center
First make sure you have the box next to Receive Notifications checked
Select your preferences here and click Save Preferences when complete.
Next click Collaboration Center
At the top, check the box next to Receive Notifications for the Collaboration Center
Next scroll down to Content Tags
You can set up notifications from within this area.
For Patch Releases, this is done through Specialized Tags
And last, Save Preferences when finished.
You absolutely can subscribe! Here are the steps:
Click on where it says "Hello Oleg" up in the top right
Choose My Preferences
Next you are taken to My Pega
In My Pega you will see 2 tabs: My Pega and Collaboration Center
First make sure you have the box next to Receive Notifications checked
Select your preferences here and click Save Preferences when complete.
Next click Collaboration Center
At the top, check the box next to Receive Notifications for the Collaboration Center
Next scroll down to Content Tags
You can set up notifications from within this area.
For Patch Releases, this is done through Specialized Tags
And last, Save Preferences when finished.
Hope that helps!
Oleg Shepelev Michal Chmielewski

Allianz Technology
Thank you Marissa! That helps a lot. Is there any specialise tag for major version releases as well? I didn't find any one so far. Would be great to get notification on new Platform releases as well.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Oleg!
Great idea! We have created the tag within the Pega Collaboration Center and now we will work with our My Pega team to have it set up to be subscribable to in the fuure!
Stay tuned!
Marissa | Senior Moderator | Pega Collaboration Center

Allianz Technology
Sounds good, thank you Marissa :)

Ford Motor Company
Hello Marissa- While accessing the my preferences, getting below error. Is this something you are aware and fixing or do I have an alternative approach to try?

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm so sorry @GUMUDAVELLY I just saw this! Normally this happens if you have another instance of Pega opened in your browser. Were you able to get to My Preferences since you posted above?
Marissa | Senior Moderator | Pega Collaboration Center

Pegasystems Inc.
Is there a way to group/categorize the issues resolved in each Patch release by product area? The Resolved Issues list for 8.4.1 is 177 items, but they are not tagged/grouped by functional area (only 7 of 177 have a 'Case Management' capability tag).

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ivana, Please navigate to https://community.pega.com/knowledgebase/articles/system-administration/pega-platform-patch-releases-resolved-issues-download . There you may download the 8.4.1 resolved issues as a PDF and each one is grouped by functional area. Thank you, Brodie

Where can I find all 8.4 ( just 8.4, NOT 8.4.1) release notes in a PDF or summary format ?