
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 23 May 2019 8:48 EDT
Pega 8.1.3 - Patch Release Available!
The third Pega 8.1 Platform patch release is now available - Pega 8.1.3!
Pega 8.1.3 is available on PegaCloud and via the Digital Delivery portal. For applying the patch to systems running outside of PegaCloud, please refer to the Patching on-premises deployments guide.
Issues which were resolved in the Pega 8.1.3 Patch Release can be found here.
Please note that these patch releases are cumulative, so this also contains all fixes made available as part of previous Pega 8.1.x patch releases. Pega 8.1.3 is the highest quality 8.1.x version available!
Back in 2018, with the release of Pega 8.1, we announced our shift from hotfixes to Patch Releases. The patch release program approach allows us to bundle, test, & release bug and security fixes over a given period into a cumulative patch that will be available to all customers. This new process provides value to your business through improved overall quality and better dependency management. Look for a new cumulative patch release to be made available every month
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Highmark Health
if Customer is facing for small issue in current version , getting Hotfix and deploy/testing from development environment to production is much simpler because of the effort/time .
how we can convince to deploy a patch which has impact in more areas that need more effort to move from Dev to prod . patch deployment process look like a upgrade ..
Can any one provide more details how it will help /convince patch process is better .

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey Vishnus7,
Thanks for reaching out. Our more to an industry standard patching process comes with a number of benefits:
- Highest Quality Experience - All fixes and security remediations prepared for any given customer will be made available to every customer, ensuring you have access to the highest quality and most secure software in a cumulative package - no need to install 100's of hotfixes.
- Quality Assured - All fixes which are delivered in a platform patch have been integrated and regression tested together. This is not the case with hotfixes, which are tested independently - leaving risk of integration issues.
- Improved Maintainability - Because platform patch releases are cumulative and independently versioned, it makes it easier to know what is running on a given system (i.e. 8.1.3 vs. 8.1 + 50 scattered, unique hotfixes).. This improves the support experience - by allowing Pega GCS to understand immediately what is installed on a given system AND allows DevOps / IT groups to more easily replicate & clone systems
Hope this helps!

Highmark Health
Hi Matt,
Our concern is with the process to deploy a patch , for a small project team understand how much team effort and administration team effort we need to deploy a patch.

Hi Matt,
I downloaded the 8.1.3 install. Can you explain why the shell scripts in the zip file aren't executable anymore? This breaks current scripts we build around the update process between the 8.1.x scripts.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey Viper,
Thank you for pointing this out - can you please re-download the media kit from digital delivery & try again?
There was a permissions issue around some of the deployment scripts, which has since been resolved.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Thnx Matt,
116302_Pega813.zip works like a charm!

When do we expect to release 8.2?
We are waiting for few Mobile solution in 8.2 as promised in the SR Updates.

Pegasystems Inc.
Pega 8.2 will be available very soon!

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Matt,
I've been asked to help with an upgrade from 7.3.1 -> 8.1.3 and one of my tasks is to verify the hotfixes we have applied on 7 are also available (or repaired) on 8 in preparation for regression testing.
Can you tell me what resources are available to conduct this investigation?
I am a Pega employee so I have access to some internal systems if required.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey CH,
I'll send you some info via direct message,

Hey Matt - We ran into the similar issue and the Pega GCS had asked us to wait until 8.1.4 patch release for an hotfix that was provided in the past on 7.2.1. Please refer to the SR-C89143 that was opened by us. I am not sure how we can explain this scenario to our customers. Do we need to ask them to compromise on the functionality that is working on 7.2.1 for 8.1.X upgrade? Please let us know how we can handle this scenario.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey Parashantho,
I'll reach out via DM on your specific issue, but in general, yes - fixes for issues reported by clients are delivered via patch releases.

can you please any one share pega 8.1 version link

Pegasystems Inc.
I see that you also wrote a post with this question. A user has replied to you. Please continue the discussion on your new thread.

can you please any one share pega 8.1 version link