LSA UI/UX: Cosmos - Mobile
Are offline capabilities are supported in DX API v2 in both Pega provided mobile app and custom build app?
How Cosmos would impact the Pega Mobile App?
The Pega Mobile app is moving towards an all-native implementation using the DX api directly to generate native views. For more complex pages, it will be possible to render the page using the React based UI rendering in a WebView.
We recently moved to Flutter as mobile front end and planning for an upgrade to Pega 8.x. Will cosmos support flutter integration?
The Pega Mobile Client is currently moving towards providing a native mobile implementation using the DX API. Using the same API, you should be able to render the UI using Flutter on desktop or mobile
Will we have the same offline capability as with UI Kit version of the UI?
Yes, there will be support for offline in the Pega Mobile app based on the DX API.
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add Developer Knowledge Share tag***
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