
Tata Consultancy Services
Tata Consultancy Services
Tata Consultancy Services
Posted: Dec 29, 2023
Last activity: Dec 29, 2023
Last activity: 29 Dec 2023 9:53 EST
List of OOTB Properties Property type = "Password"
Hi Team,
Below is the Pega used list of OOTB properties, pyStringType = "Password." Please add any other OOTB properties used in the Pega.
Property name | Description | Applies To | Property Mode | String Type | Availability | Ruleset |
DBPassword | DBPassword | PegaAccel-PredictiveAnalytics | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-DecisionScience |
Password | password | PegaAccel-PredictiveAnalytics | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-DecisionScience |
pxRuleSetUpdateVersion | A special version to update RuleSet | Rule-RuleSet-Name | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pxVersionAddPassword | A special version to addRuleSet version | Rule-RuleSet-Name | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pxVersionPassword | a password that used to validate the user security | Rule-RuleSet-Version | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pxVersionUpdatePassword | A special version to update RuleSet version | Rule-RuleSet-Name | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pyAddVersionPwd | Add Version Password | Embed-Integration-RuleSetPasswordCollection | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-IntegrationArchitect |
pyApplicationPwd | Application Password | Embed-Integration-RuleSetPasswordCollection | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-IntegrationArchitect |
pyBatchLoginPassword | Batch Requestor Password | Data-EmailAccount | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-ProCom |
pyConfirmPassword | supply Password | Pega-Landing-Application-LockAndRoll | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-LP-Application |
pyEListReqPwd | pyEListReqPwd | PegaAccel-Integration-Correspondence | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-ProCom |
pyEnteredPassword | pyVersionPasswordEntered | Rule-Application-UseCase | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-AppDefinition |
pyEServPassword | pyEServPassword | PegaAccel-Integration-Correspondence | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-ProCom |
pyNameFormEditPwd | Password for updating Rule-RuleSet-Name forms | Rule-RuleSet-Name | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pyNewPassword | pyNewPassword | PegaAccel-Task-InviteUser | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-AppDefinition |
pyP12Password | P12 Password | Data-Mobile-Certificate | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-AppDefinition |
pyPassword | pyPassword | Data-Admin-KafkaSerDe-AvroSchema | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-DecisionArchitect |
pyPasswordPreview | pyPasswordPreview | Rule-HTML-Property | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-WB |
pyPreviousPassword | previous password | Data-Admin-Operator-ID | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RulesEngine |
pyPwdCurrent | password | Data-Admin-Operator-ID | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RulesEngine |
pyPwdOld | pyPwdOld | Data-Admin-Operator-ID | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pyPwdTemp | password | Data-Admin-Operator-ID | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RulesEngine |
pyPwdVerify | Encrypted Verify Password | Data-Admin-Operator-ID | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pyRuleSetUpdatePassword | A special version to update RuleSet | Rule-RuleSet-Name | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pyRulesetUpdatePwd | Update RuleSet Password | Embed-Integration-RuleSetPasswordCollection | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-IntegrationArchitect |
pyRuleSetUpdateVersion | A special version to update RuleSet | Rule-RuleSet-Name | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-RULES |
pyRuleSetVersionPwd | Version Password | Embed-Integration-RuleSetPasswordCollection | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-IntegrationArchitect |
pySetPassword | enter Password | Pega-Landing-Application-AdvancedOptions | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-LP-Application |
pySetPasswordConfirm | confirm Password | Rule-Application | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-RULES |
pyTempPassword | Password Template | @baseclass | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-EndUserUI |
pyUpdateVersionPwd | Update Version Password | Embed-Integration-RuleSetPasswordCollection | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-IntegrationArchitect |
pyValidPassword | Valid Application Password | PegaAccel-Task-DocumentApp-Sizing | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-AppDefinition |
pyVersionConfirmPassword | pyVersionConfirmPassword | @baseclass | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-SystemArchitect |
pyVersionConfirmPassword | Password in order to update the locked status of this Version | Rule-RuleSet-Version | Single Value | Password | Yes | Pega-SystemArchitect |
pzHoldConfirmPassword | pzHoldConfirmPassword | Pega-Landing-Application | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-LP-Application |
pzPassword | pzPassword | Embed-OperatorPassword | Single Value | Password | Final | Pega-RulesEngine |
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to add Capability tags***
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