
Posted: May 10, 2023
Last activity: May 10, 2023
Last activity: 10 May 2023 20:49 EDT
Implementation: SSO using AuthO in Pega 8.7!
Hello there,
If you want to learn SSO implementation, AuthO by Okta is best place to start.
We have recently tried logging in using AuthO. Sharing the documentation for the one who needs it.
Note: Try it on Pega's exercise system, as AuthO will need your system to be on cloud in order to have a connection. If you are using localhost, then you can use ngrok to expose your localhost to internet.
Thank you and stay safe, Siddhant Suryakant Jivane
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to change content format from Question to Discussion, add capability tag***
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