Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 25 Nov 2021 9:07 EST
How to enable Tab based Multi Document using Dynamic Container in Pega 8
Some customer prefers Tab based Multi Document (*), especially people who have used very old version like PRPC 6x because that was the Pega's default at that time. It is not a recommended approach any longer for maintainability perspectives, but in this post I am sharing how to get it back in case customer really wants it, or for some other unusual reasons. In our case, we used this solution for fixing UI issues with Snap Start (https://collaborate.pega.com/discussion/how-fix-ui-issues-use-snap-start).
* This entire article is limited to the use of UIKit. From 8.6, Cosmos started to support multiple tabs - now you can open multiple cases simultaneously in separate browser tabs or windows, without one session refreshing and overriding the other. Be noted Cosmos in combination of prior version (8.3 - 8.5) does not support this functionality. It has to be 8.6+.
1. Locate Data-Portal.pyCaseManager7 section rule and override it to your ruleset.
2. Place a Tab Group layout. If you are on Pega 7, you can find "Legacy tabs" in Layout dropdown.
3. If you are on Pega 8, unfortunately you won't see "Legacy tabs". Then you'll need to find an out-of-the-box section that has it. In this example I am using 8.4.1 and I copied it from Data-UIGalllery-Features-Container.pxHorizontalTop section as below. You can right click on Tab Group to copy and paste it to pyCaseManager7.
4. Remove all sections inside Tab Group and embed "pyUserDashboardContainer" section instead. Select "Standard" for style format.
5. From Structural dropdown, drag & drop "Dynamic container" right to Dashboard section.
6. You can configure max tabs from 1 to 16. The default is 8.
7. That's it. Check in and now you can test it. A work object or Harness will be opened in a tab as below.
* I think tab based UI is user-friendly, but if you need to hide it for any reason, you can do so by including below snippet into pyCaseManager7. You may wonder if you hide tabs, what was the point of even having legacy Tab Group. In our case, we did it because we only wanted to fix the UI issue with Snap Start. Customer was already used to Pega 8 and they wanted to keep UI (no tabs).
.expandInnerTabStyle, .headerTabbed .tabbed_expandInnerDivStyle, .headerTabbed .sectionBodyContainerCustomHead {
padding : 0 0 0 0;
body .headerTabbed .scrlCntr {
display: none;
- Embed a non auto-generated HTML section
- non auto-generated HTML section
Hope this helps.