
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 16 Jan 2023 1:03 EST
How to build downloading Excel file function
In this post, I will share how to build downloading Excel file from Page List function using pxGenerateExcelFile activity. Please see attached for the tutorial. I also included an Excel template file I used in the tutorial.
This document includes the following tips:
- How to source embedded page (pyWorkPage) and top page (non-case context)
- How to download a full list of top page (non-case context) when using Report Definition for the table source
* Notes:
People used to use another out-of-the-box activity called MSOGenerateExcelFile for downloading Excel file in Pega 7 but it is now deprecated in Pega 8, and you are suggested to use "pxGenerateExcelFile". However, you may encounter some styling issues with this replacement, as shown below.
- MSOGenerateExcelFile: Works fine
- pxGenerateExcelFile: Some characters are hidden by the right cell. Number looks empty as it is also hidden by being right-aligned. Border is not correctly drawn.
I have submitted FDBK-93993 for enhancement and it is currently under consideration. In the meantime, if you face any issues with "pxGenerateExcelFile", try "MSOParseExcelFile" to see if it resolves it. It is deprecated but still functional. I have verified that it works on Pega 8.8.
* Related topic
The usage of all the combinations of upload / download CSV / Excel file is summarized at https://support.pega.com/discussion/handling-files-thru-user-interface.
Hope this helps.