
Last activity: 4 Oct 2018 13:54 EDT
Exercise system database (pgadmin) purpose
Am setting up the VM(virtual box) for the exercise . I got through everything set it up right except the database pgadmin.
Am not sure where to use the uid and pwd for pgadmin ?
do we need to install pgadmin in our machine ?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks a lot for your post.
What is the name of the course you are referring to?
Updated: 5 Feb 2016 7:51 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
pgadmin3 is installed. Try pega prpc/password as the user/pass.
To use pgadmin3 you would need to use an X server app on your laptop such as XMing https://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/, plus enable X11 forwarding in putty specifying “:0.0” as the X display location.
For more detail see: https://pdn.pega.com/forums/lead-system-architect-71/pega-717-pvs-database-connection-details

Pegasystems Inc.
You only need to use XMing + putty with X11 forwarding if you launch the PVS's pgadmin3 executable.
If you have a Personal Edition (PE) you can use C:\PRPCPersonalEdition\pgsql\bin\pgAdmin3.exe to point to the PVS's database (but only after you have configured the PVS to allow remote access).

i am still facing issue for DB set up, i performed below steps
1. installed Oracle VM Manager and Added CLSA V7 excerise.
2. Downloaded Postgres 9.2 and trying to connect to server but failed.
Please provide me if you have document how to setup DB.

HCL Technologies
I am still facing issues in configuring the PgAdmin3 database for CSSA (v7.1) exercise system. I have Installed Xming server and configured Putty with X11 Forwarding enabled. I have attached the screenshot of error message. Please help me out with this.
This comment has been branched out as a new node and the new thread can be followed here

Coforge DPA
prpc/password worked for me :)
Updated: 5 Feb 2016 7:37 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Again, the instructions as to how to open up the VM image-installed Postgres DB to external connections are spelled out in: https://pdn.pega.com/forums/lead-system-architect-71/pega-717-pvs-database-connection-details
You do not need install Postgres on your laptop; it is much simpler to install a Pega 7 Personal Edition from PDN on your laptop and use its Postgres DB's pgAdmin3 client to connect to your VM Image's Postgres DB.
The key instructions to opening access to the VM image's DB connection are shown below:
Modify /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf and add the following line: listen_addresses = '*' Save the changes. Modify /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf and add the following line: host all all Proprietary information hidden/0 trust Save the changes and restart the Database Server.
Below is a script that automates the above:
Again, the instructions as to how to open up the VM image-installed Postgres DB to external connections are spelled out in: https://pdn.pega.com/forums/lead-system-architect-71/pega-717-pvs-database-connection-details
You do not need install Postgres on your laptop; it is much simpler to install a Pega 7 Personal Edition from PDN on your laptop and use its Postgres DB's pgAdmin3 client to connect to your VM Image's Postgres DB.
The key instructions to opening access to the VM image's DB connection are shown below:
Modify /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf and add the following line: listen_addresses = '*' Save the changes. Modify /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf and add the following line: host all all Proprietary information hidden/0 trust Save the changes and restart the Database Server.
Below is a script that automates the above:
#! /bin/bash #SuperUser=YES echo echo Fix RDBMS settings in your virtual machine echo pg=`find / -mount -name postgresql.conf 2> /dev/null` if [ -n "$pg" ] then echo echo Changing listening address for postgresql grep "^listen_addresses = '\*'" $pg > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "listen_addresses = '*'" >> $pg else echo Postgres.conf file not found fi pg=`find / -mount -name pg_hba.conf 2> /dev/null` if [ -n "$pg" ] then echo Changing host allowance for postgresql grep "^host.*0\.0\.0\.0/0" $pg > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "host all all Proprietary information hidden/0 trust" >> $pg echo applying md5 to peer authentication sed -i "/^local.*all.*all.*peer$/s/peer/md5/g" $pg echo postgres restart in 5 minutes. We wait 5 min so we not interfere with prpc startup. echo service postgresql restart \> restart.res 2\>\&1 | at now + 5 min else echo Postgres pg_hba.conf file not found fi |
The user/pass to the database is: prpc/password.
Either specify the IP address of your VM Image or alias that IP address within C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Chennai Institute of Technology
I couldn't find postgresql folder inside /etc in my exercise system VM. Where can i find the directory?

Pegasystems Inc.
I corrected the database user name in my previous post.
Where you would find what the user/pass is to the Postgres database, the easiest place to look is <tomcat install directory>/conf/context.xml.
For a PVS, the Tomcat install directory is /usr/share/tomcat7.
For a Personal Edition the user/pass is pega/pega as shown below:
<Resource password="pega" username="pega" url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/pega" driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver" maxWait="10000" maxIdle="30" maxActive="100" type="javax.sql.DataSource" auth="Container" name="jdbc/PegaRULES"/><Environment type="java.lang.String" name="url/initialization/explicittempdir" value="C:\7.1.9\PRPCPersonalEdition\temp"/>