Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 18 May 2022 11:48 EDT
Enchancement Request: Tracer - Buttons to jump to first/next/previous error and warning.
When things go sideways, it usually starts with the first FAIL or WARNING in the Tracer. Finding the problem can be a problem of it's own when you trace a lot of rulesets and have several thousands of lines. That's why i think it would be helpful to have buttons which allow user to jump to (chronologically) first FAIL or WARNING and jump to next/previous quickly.
I have already developed a Chrome Extension which has the functionality (see attached GIF file) but it would be nice if it could be added as a part of the product. It has allowed me to debug application very quickly and i hope everyone could benefit from such tool during application development and testing.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****