Bank Of Nova Scotia
Last activity: 5 Dec 2016 11:24 EST
DuplicateKeyException on PegaCA-Data-ContextSnapshot table
We are using CPM 6.2 SP4, there are entries PegaCA-Data-ContextSnapshot, PegaCA-Data-Usage, PegaCA-Data-Usage-Summary tables. I could not find any documentation about what these tables are for.
Moreover, we keep getting DuplicatedKeyExceptions in the DB with some inserts made in these tables. We are planning to stop “CAAggregateData” and “AppAggregateRating” Agents to avoid the DuplicateKeyExceptions in DB.
Please let me know if there is any other way to fix this issue other than disabling the Agents, and disabling these agents will have any impact in future upgrading.
Does anybody have any extra information about these classes and its purpose?
Thanks & Regards,
***Edited by Maryrita : Moderator, added group tags***