Sopra Steria
Last activity: 4 Feb 2021 12:34 EST
Discussion about Charts, Reporting, subtotals and totals
I would like to exchange on Charts / Reporting on Pega.
One of the needs expressed by a client, was to display a table like this for Interactions (ICS are pyOrigUserID and CENTRE are pyOrigOrgUnit) :
I had difficulties implementing this kind of result and felt I had to “cheat” to compute subtotals and totals “manually” and display them in a Table control.
To resume, I had to :
- Implement a RD calling 17 sub-reports to gather all summarized data. No possibilities to use summarize functions on this RD because the results obtained were not conclusive (I raised an SR for this)
- Implement a data page with an activity to call this RD and compute percentages, subtotals and totals and add subtotals and total lines to the DP results to show those results
- Implement a table in a section to show the results of the Data page.
Can I have your advice on how in Pega this should be implemented “out of the box” ?
- Only RDs with access to the Report menu for users ?
- Use of hierarchichal table ? (for which I didn’t find any good documentation / example of implementation)
- Others ?
We will certainly have to implement more of this kind of reports in the future so I want to see if we can go in a better direction that what I did in urgency for those future developments.