Deployment Automation
Hi All, Can anyone suggest me how to automate the deployment in Pega without GUI?
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Hi All, Can anyone suggest me how to automate the deployment in Pega without GUI?
Do you mean deployment of rules from dev environment to higher environments?
You can write code to leverage prpcUtils migrate utility or can make use of product migration wizard. But you still need to create product rule before using these options.
I have same question, i went trough following help topic, but in that they have not mentioned how to use Product /Product Patch rule as parameter to Export rule archive. In there example explanation, in property file we need to maulally feed each ruleset version, Data Instance Classes and so on...
In real world scenerio, we may use multiple product rule definition for each release to do export and also in product rule so many rulsets we mention. So above said approach is not feasible and error prone.
Is there a way we can use this command line utility using Product /Product Patch rule as parameter to do Export ? Please help....
Please try below link :
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