
Navy Federal
Last activity: 27 Mar 2021 14:01 EDT
Decrypt the encrypted data using Provider Cipher(AWS KMS) outside the Pega work UI
Hi All,
We are using Pega Infinity 8.4. we have enabled encryption for PII information ex: customer Phone no and emailID using Provider Cipher with customer manager keys from AWS KMS. Using ABAC PropertyEncrypt mechanism PhoneNo and Email successfully encrypted in Pega database as well as in the Clipboard . Which can be seen in the attached screen prints.
When the case in opened in the UI , Pega is internally decrypting and displaying Phone no in clear text. All this is good.
Now we want create a rest service which will expose the work object data to client of the rest service . As part of the response, we need to send the PII information including Phone No in clear text value. for that we need to decrypt Phone no In the service rest activity .
I've used OOTB decryptPropertyValue fucntion to decrypt the PhoneNo However, It doesn't decrypt the PhoneNo to clear text.
I would like to seek your suggestion or help on the approach on How we can decrypt the data/specific pega property using Provider Cipher with AWS KMS outside the PegaUI. Is there any OOTB function to decrypt it outside Pea UI.
Any help on this is appreciated.