JPMorgan Chase and Co.
Last activity: 4 Oct 2018 11:08 EDT
Configuration Settings Reference Guide
I have a nice PDF from when we upgraded to 6.2 which described the changes in the way settings worked and had details on every setting. I can't seem to find an updated version on PDN. Is there not one? Is that because little or nothing has changed or been added?
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Pegasystems Inc.
In general details of upgrading from one version of Pega to another are contained in Upgrade Guides and installation guides. Please see following PDN page for the details which will vary for the various versions: https://collaborate.pega.com/question/deployment-guides. Select the version you are upgrading to and you will see the related deployment information including the upgrade guides. If you don't find what you need here please provide additional details such as the name of the specific document you are refering to and what version of Pega you are currently at and what version you are moving to.
JPMorgan Chase and Co.
The name of the specific document is the title of this thread: Configuration Settings Reference Guide. If you seach for it on PDN, you find one for 6.2. Take a look at it. It is not neccessarily about upgrading, though with an upgrade there are likely new parmeters. We'd like to know what those are.
Pegasystems Inc.
Unfortunately as of now there is no such guide exists for Pega7 release with all updated settings.
@Pega: Do you have a documen covering version 7.1.x?
just saw that this was already answered - please ingore.
HMRC Aspire
Can Pegasystems confirm please if they will be producing a revised Configuration Settings Reference Guide for Pega 7?
Pega 7.1.9 has just launched and I understand that the passivation default has now changed from Filesystem to Database which this document would confirm i.e. PersistRequestor/storage
Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, we do expect that the 6.2 Configuration Settings Guide will be updated. We do not have a release date yet.
HMRC Aspire
Thanks Lu
Rulesware LLC
Do we have a release date yet on 7.X version of this?
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Still looking for an updated version of the document, is there an update? I was specifically looking for the setting PersistRequestor/storage. Need to understand the default value - database or filesystem.
Also, I saw an article quoting the value as 'file system' instead of 'filesystem'. Which one is correct?
Pegasystems Inc.
Please see following Help file note on the PersistRequestor/storage setting to see if it helps. https://community.pega.com/sites/default/files/help_v719/procomhelpmain.htm
State of Maine
Is there an updated reference guide available, yet? If not, at least update the current one to indicate that it's still valid for Pega 7.1.x and 7.2, please.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Kirk,
I came across this post in PSC: https://collaborate.pega.com/idea/configuration-settings-reference-guide-pega-71x-or-pega-72
According to this post, Configuration Settings Reference Guide for PRPC 6.2 is valid for Pega 7.x. But, please let me know in case you need any specific topic. I will try helping you.
Deutsche Bank
It's been almost a year since the last post. Do we have an updated documentation yet ? Pega is already on 7.3, and yet no updated documentation since 6.2
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Eugene,
Apologies on the lack of update. I do know there is an internal movement to collect this information. To this effect an enhancement request is also created and updated on our internal portal. I know this information does not really help but - I have updated the feedback ID under the Related Support Case Number field in the original post above. In case you wish to follow up, you may refer this number to your Pega Account Executive who would be able to take this up internally on your behalf.
Rulesware LLC
Any updated on the configuration setting reference guide for Pega 7.X ? Really looking forward to hear update on the enhancement request mentioned above back in july 2017.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Manoj,
It is best to drive this query forward to your Pega Account Executive.