
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 24 May 2023 3:26 EDT
CLSA Community Meetup: Citizen Development and the CLSA (May 2023)
In our May 2023 event (conducted on May 15-17), we covered a range of topics relating to Citizen Development and its overlap with the CLSA role.
First up, Timothy Harfield (@TimothyHarfield) helped us modernize our definition of Citizen Development, highlighted the professional developer skills shortage, and made clear the importance of Citizen Development in both unlocking more people-power to deliver Pega applications, while focusing CLSA energy on high complexity & high criticality applications and delivery tasks.
Jim McSweeney (@JimMcSweeney) then provided an overview and demo of App Factory, being one of the tools clients can use to accelerate their Citizen Development programs. Jim also discussed with Dion Lammers (@DionLammers) how even Pegasystems as an organization has embraced App Factory for its own Citizen Development.
Chris Boone (@Chris_Boone) then chairs a panel discussion with Michael Royston from Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU), and Michael Lopez from their delivery partner, Main Digital. Here the panel discusses NFCU's successful Citizen Development program.
See below the replay to download slides and review the Q&A that came in during both sessions!
Enjoy the replay! Use the chapters in the video toolbar to get to the content you need!
Downloadable slides & Useful links
Rahul Ashok: Customer Service Implementation badge
Timothy Harfield: Citizen Development and the CLSA
Jim McSweeney / Dion Lammers: App Factory overview
Chris Boone / Michael Lopez / Michael Royston: Transcript: Citizen Development @ Navy Federal Credit Union (partnered by Main Digital)
Peer Review component on Pega Marketplace: referenced by Chris Boone during the panel discussion