
Vodafone Ziggo
Last activity: 24 Feb 2015 4:56 EST
Can we Call Paragraph Rule Inside a function ??
Hi All,
I have a requirement says which has a text area property i need to set which is like beow.
Brand : ZZZ
Model : AAA
Year : 2015
The brand model and year need to get from localised text as well. This is done in property model rule like below.
@getLocalizedText("Brand", "pyCaption", tools) + " : " + some property reference + "\n" + @getLocalizedText("Model", "pyCaption", tools) + " : " + some property reference + "\n" + @getLocalizedText("Year", "pyCaption", tools) + " : " + some property reference
I need to put this in a paragraph rule and call that paragraph rule in model rule using a function.
Can you please provide solution for this ?
Thanks & regards
Mohan Sundar