Avoid Deselection of radio button if that Radio button is checkbox and mimic to behave as radio button
Avoid Deselection of radio button if that Radio button is checkbox and mimic to behave as radio button
recently i faced this issue where i had ui control which was displayed/mimic as radio button but actual it was typed as checkbox
the radio button was not associated with any group and it was single property which was showing multiple values runtime, if there are multiple values appearing at runtime and user if selects particular radio button selection and then deselects any value that was getting deselected
so we were having group of radio buttons with no value selected and it was causing issue.
so applied below solution
1. on click event added "set value" action
2. in this action set the value of the associate property to "true" on below condition
if associate property is "false" and to apply it for particular property added condition to check value of the property is matching to required one or not
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***