Allow Users to View Multiple Multiple Work Queues from Case Manager
By: Nia Christian
Date: 12/3/18
- Find your user who is a member of multiple Teams.
- You should see their default WorkGroup and a list of their WorkQueues under the Work tab of that operator.
3. Open the WorkQueue of a WorkGroup that is not selected as active on the current Work tab. For example, I am going to open the US_Club_Baseball@cathay bank Work Queue because it’s WorkGroup: “US_Club_Baseball” is not currently active under this particular operator.
4. Here is an open view of the US_Club_Baseball Work Queue
5. We will be changing the Work Group to be set to the WorkGroup that is currently active under our operator. In my case, the current active WorkGroup which is displayed in the image of Step 2 is “Cash_Management_Automation_Manual_Completion@cathay bank”. So I need to replace the Work Group property in Step 4 with “Cash_Management_Automation_Manual_Completion@cathay bank”.
6. Now when you save your changes, you should see the Case Manager Portal now displays two Work Queues as well as two dropdown options