
Last activity: 18 May 2022 11:51 EDT
Allow filtering on fieldname and class
Filtering on a column in a table uses the pzGetGridColUniqueValues activity. This activity uses the getLocalizedTextForString method to find unique pyCaption field values. However, sometimes we need a different field name to sort on (i.e. if we use a status. pyStatusWork, or if we use a property with a table type, a class and field name that differs from the column).
For this, we only have the altnerative to use and embedded section and provide a different property to sort on. Ideally, we would be able to pass a field name and class to filter on, and the pzGetGridColUniqueValues would be able to handle this by using a different localization method, provided below:
Java: return pega_rules_utilities.lookup("pyLocalizedValue", "Rule-Obj-FieldValue", "pyFieldName", FieldValueName, "pyFieldValue", PropertyToLocalize.getStringValue(), FieldValueClass, "", "true");
Method call: @getLocalizedTextByFieldValue(Property,"Property Value","Classname")