Last activity: 6 Apr 2018 19:26 EDT
After PRPC V7.2.1 upgrade value of an exposed property is not found in DB
Problem Statement
A property is present in two or more classes in the class inheritance hierarchy. 'One' Implementation class and 'one or more' framework classes.
The property is named with Camel Case in the implementation class (PropertyName) and the same property is named with ALL CAPS CASE in framework classes (PROPERTYNAME).
## SAMPLE ##
- Rule-Obj-Property ABC-Data-Customer-Details.FirstName
- Rule-Obj-Property ABC-Data-Customer.FIRSTNAME
After upgrading our application from V6.1.2 to V7.2.1 we were not able to update the above property. The changes that we make at the user interface were not reflecting in the database. The concerned property is exposed and the corresponding DB column was empty whenever we expect it to hold values.
As a best practice only Camel Case should be used to define rule names. Also a property definition need not be overridden in a child class unless and until it’s absolutely required.
We deleted the property definition ‘FIRSTNAME’ from the concerned class and ruleset version. Please note that withdrawing the property ‘FIRSTNAME’ in a higher ruleset version will not fix the issue.
We followed the suggestions in this article and it helped us resolve our issue.
Also we verified this post.