Wipro Ltd
Wipro Ltd
Wipro Ltd
Posted: Jan 16, 2016
Last activity: Feb 8, 2016
Last activity: 8 Feb 2016 12:53 EST
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What is ABV?
Hi Saikhom,
Validation is performed at design time or when any rule is saved.
Application-Based Validation
This mode can refer to all rules in the application, as well as built-on applications without having to specify any prerequisites.
Note: This does not affect rule resolution (so whether ABV or RSV, Rule resolution works the same way)
This mode helps in design time to access rules without having to specify use ruleset prerequisite.
AV mode is recommended in order to close the gap between design and runtime.
For example, rules in App:01-01-01 cannot reference rules in App:01-01-03 at design time. For versions across different ruleset names, the standard AV mode logic is applied.
See PDN article About ruleset validation for more information
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